What is your company name, website, FB page name, twitter name and anything else you use?
Plexus Slim, http://whydrinkpink.com/, , http://twitter.com/SheriCarpenter, http://facebook.com/whydrinkpink
Are you a SAHM? Tell us about you (mini-bio!) I am a mom of all trades with a passion for helping others. I currently work part time outside the home while
Trying to build my business to provide a better life for my family. My husband is disabled and while fighting for his SSD I am the soul support of this family of 5.
We live in TN and I have 3 children and one step-daughter. I am an avid blogger and I love to meet new people and of course, my passion is and has always been helping others.
How did you find yourself getting started with your business/venture? I have been in Direct Sales and marketing for 11 years. I am with 3 companies actually but wanted to focus
On Plexus because of the benefits of the product and the business. I started with the company after doing a product review for a friend of mine in May. After doing much research on
The product and the business and seeing how it helped me health wise in just those 9 days I used it for her review I knew I had to join this company. Not only because this could be the
Best company I have been with to make money with, but because all of our products are focused on helping people get healthy. And what really grabbed my attention is the products that are geared towards promoting breast health. I have never seen another company out there with products like these.
How did you go about seeking your information? I asked tons of questions to the girl I did the product review for and I also visited the website as there is tons of info on there as well as a very informative opportunity video.
Do you have a mentor? Would you consider mentoring someone who wanted to start a similar business? I have quite a few mentors. I have aligned myself with some of the best in the industry and I seek new info and things every single day. I have learned quite a bit over the past few years and I love helping others get started in their own businesses and to help them be successful with them as well. In today's economy more and more people are turning to the work at home industry as it secures your financial future. I really think that people have the complete wrong impression of direct sales and work at home people. They think we are all pushy and that if they start a business like ours they will need to push their friends and family into joining them or buying from them but that is completely not true. It is all about you and how you want to work your business. I could talk about this all day long lol.
What mistakes did you endure to figure out the right path? I was with many different companies that just didn't work. There were far to many reps and couldn't make any sales or build teams. I learned that I really needed to look for something that I could be passionate about that wasn't already "on every corner" like the dollar stores are lol.
Moments of brilliance? Well I don't consider myself brilliant at all but I would have to say some of the best things I have ever done was starting my website that is dedicated to helping people be successful at home.
Advice to others that are considering an online business? Do some research and find a rep that you would like to connect with. Find a product that fits into what people are looking for in today's market and one that you can be passionate about. Connect with a rep and align yourself with someone who will help you grow. And most of all find a business that can be worked both online and off, don't limit yourself.
How do you balance mommyhood and online work? Well since I work outside the home, work online and off with my businesses and I am a huge blogger too I make myself a schedule and I stick to it. I also have a strict policy that I am off the computer by 8 or 9 PM Every single night, plus I make time through out the day for my kids and family. Taking time out for your family is so very important and can really be hard to do sometimes, but if you run your business right and set boundries and stick to them then you can do it.
Are there any aspects of your business that aren’t covered here that you want to share? My business is so wonderful because it helps people on all sides. We are helping to change peoples live's financially yes because our compensation plan offers 10 different ways to make money and we are only a year old and open world wide so theree is so much room to grow a business with us. But the main part is our products are ALL NATURAL and they are all geared to helping people get healthy. And they work, we get so many testimonies it is unreal and to hear how these products are changing peoples lives is just truly amazing.
***Please check out this link of Sheri's pics of how PLEXUS SLIM has helped her!!**AWESOME!!
What else can you share with us? Just remember that even though it is a business you are starting you still have to work. Think about working a regular job, you wouldn't get a pay check if you didn't go to work right? If you are willing to work hard for the first few years, it will pay off for the rest of your life. There is no such thing as 'get rich quick' or "make thousands in 24 hours" Everything you do you will have to work at. Don't start a business with the idea that the person who helped you join will work your business for you. You must be willing to work at what you are doing. Treat your business just like it was a "building" that you opened. You would have to work to draw in customers and hire people to work for you. Direct sales and marketing is the same thing In a sense, the only difference is you are working for yourself. You will need to build a team or "downline" that will help you market which grows your business ( and theirs) and you will need to market on your own to bring in your personal customers. And last thing, don't ever be afraid to support another business person no matter what company they are with. This industry and the people in it have a strong bond with each other and the more support you give , the more support you get. If you are stuck in a "me tunnel" you will quickly fail in this industry. Find a business where your sponsor is willing to help you every step of the way and then duplicate what they do for you and you cant go wrong!